Denial of Death is Deadly!!


Life is mortal and death is the ultimate destiny. This world is a distractor, as it makes us forget this reality.

In my career as an emergency physician, I have seen people in the denial phase regarding the diseases they have or when the lives of their relatives come to an end. Denials for such realities can keep people traumatized for the rest of their lives.

We need to accept the irony of life. Sometimes we are expecting death for some of our relatives in the agony of disease they have while most of the time death is completely unexpected and it takes us by surprise.

Celebrate the day in hand and be prepared for the final day of life, which is not known to anyone, is the only approach that can minimize the impact of such traumatic incidences in one’s life..!!



Dr. Nazir Najeeb Kapadia

Emergency Medicine Physician, loves writing and sharing day to day experience.