Comparing Apples with Oranges..!!

Vulnerable states teach a lot of lessons to be learned by those with brains. The world in 2020 is going through such a state in which people have realized who the real heroes are…

This vulnerable state at the same time crashed the world’s economy and people lost their jobs and those working faced a significant pay cut down.

Companies and higher authorities were unable to recognize the difference between oranges and apples and all the employees were treated the same way despite having a lot of differences in the jobs they carried out, or it was just a deliberate move just to keep things going in favor of saving money.

The world was able to identify their true heroes and at the same time, private companies were unable to give incentives to those heroes making their lives miserable when they have already put their lives at stake with one of the deadliest and life-threatening viruses. They stated that there wasn’t any difference in oranges and apples and even mangoes followed the same.

In a nutshell “a pimple has grown upon an ulcer” and we can’t help it!!



Dr. Nazir Najeeb Kapadia

Emergency Medicine Physician, loves writing and sharing day to day experience.